Monday 2 September 2013

Why I Started This Blog

I started this blog because of you (at least that's partly true). Whichever way, writing brought this about. I'm a fiction writer, and if you're reading this, then I'm certain you're one (or striving to be one).   The blog will offer articles on Creative Writing, freebies (PDFs, MP3, links, writing resources), all materials to help young writers. Subscribe here to get the weekly newsletters directly to your email.  So get on here and let’s ride.

1. Join the Circle-of-Writers:

Networking is quit necessary to encourage the progress of a great organisation. That's the drill these days. And as young writers, there’s always the need to stir the passion that fuels this craft. Circle-of-Writers creates the writing community you've always wanted. In this group, you get meet other writers. You all get to share, critique, inspire and annoy each other (the last line is mine, really!). The group offers you details about the craft, and as well fellowship. Join Circle-of-Writers on Blackberry, PIN: 26A115E4, or visit me at on twitter handle @scribes05 or facebook:

2. Read Interesting Articles

If there's anything you're bound to enjoy here, it's interesting articles to help you with your writing. I plan on sharing my ideas (as well as my frustrations) in writing. And I strongly hope you'll do well to pay me by leaving your comments in the comment box (Hey! You’ll want that too). Also, the articles shall extend to inspirational yarns. Yep! Every writer always needs a boost one time or the other. Need a boost? You'll get that here.

3. Download PDFs, Podcasts, and Videos

Scream! Cos' this is good. It’s freebies. You'll catch all the materials you need to help your writing. And more, stories will be published in PDFs as well for your free download. Audio podcasts and video sessions will be available for your download too. Enjoy!

4. Get Book Publishing Info

As time progresses, writers (like you) who've worked their bums off on the computer and finally have a book to show for it will be allowed to advertise here. Yes! For free. You can also catch more book advertisement here, and details about their purchase.

5. Read my stories

This is almost what the blog is all about. You get to read short stories and novel excerpts by me (and my friends). (I promise they won't all bore you). You're free to critique by leaving your comments in the comment box.
Okay then you waited this long to read this through. See you always. So catch you in the next publication. Remember, the more you write, the better you write and the more you enjoy writing.
Share your comments below. I would love to read them and will gladly reply asap.

Keep writing!



Yusuff Busayo is a writer of fast-paced action-adventure thrillers. I’ve got a couple of stories and novellas, (and a couple of novel projects) in my archive. I enjoy what I do and I hope to make you do too. ***wink***